Back Rehabilitation

90% of the population will suffer with some sort of back injury at some point in their lives, these include:

  • Back Pain
  • Neck pain
  • Head aches
  • Shoulder and arm pain
  • Sciatica
  • Slipped discs
  • Trapped nerves
  • Carpal tunnel
  • Arthritis or rheumatism
  • Pins and needles
  • Numbness
  • Sport injury
  • Whiplash injuries
  • Stress
  • Bad posture

The important part is to remember that you don’t have to live with it and treatment does not involve tablets and rest! The back pain comes from trauma, repetitive movements or sustained poor postures which over time leads to a change in the mechanical structure of the bones and tissues.

Over 50% of these symptoms will reoccur if correct treatment is not received and the correct strengthening and exercises are not introduced and maintained. This unique programme is based on exercise and works on improving strength, flexibility, proprioception as well as mental fitness. These combined will lead to better mechanical function of the body to help lead a full and active life, with the potential of a pain free existence.

A reduction of movement in the spine can cause the spinal joints to ‘seize’. This lack of mobility has the potential to affect the movement of the nerves and tissues around the spine. Our daily activities cause us to move our spines in one main direction, which over time can cause repetitive strains to the muscles and tissues.

The discs between the spinal joints act as shock absorbers and are affected by movement. As we bend forward or backwards the jelly like substance of the disc is easily pushed around. The uneven pressure throughout the disc can send warning messages to the brain which are equated as pain.

By correcting posture and movement patterns the disc pressure remains more evenly distributed and the risk of bulging or slipping is minimised.

A personalised programme will be produced which involves manual therapy, posture re-education, core stability and muscular strength training. Continual goal setting will be introduced adjusting the programme as progress and improvements are made.

The long term goal is to help you learn what works for you and your body, and make sure you maintain these changes after your rehabilitation is complete to ensure you do not have a recurrence of the problem. Sessions will last anywhere between one to two hours depending on progress and ability. Come prepared for a workout for both the body and mind.